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1st L-Out of every 100 rapes 46 will be reported. 12 will lead to arrests. 9 will get prosecuted.

5 will lead to felony arrest. 3 will every spend a day in jail the other 97% never go to jail 2nd E-Every 2 minutes someone in the us is sexually assaulted 3rd J-8% of college men have either attempted or completed a rape. 4th 6% of boys in grades 5-8 and 8% in grades 9-12 have been sexually assaulted 5th L-35,000 pregnancys result from rape a year 6th In 2001, 11% of rapes involved the use of a weapon 3% used a gun, 6% used a knife, and 2 % used another form of weapon.2 84% of victims reported the use of physical force only. 7th 83.5% of men argue that some women looked like they were asking to be raped 8th 2.78 million Men in the U.S. have been victims of sexual assault or rape. -If you have been raped, or know someone who has, please call the national sexual assault hotline 1800-656-hope-(4673) Lesbians report "physically or mentally coercive sex" more often than do gay men. 31% of lesbians reported forced sexual encounters versus 12% of gay men. Often, lesbian reports contain statements of how they were emotionally abused as well as physically abused. Moreover, lesbians are often times more "sensitized" to "sexual coercion" and can more easily identify it, while gay men more often consider "coercion as fair play." Due to societal response woman tend not to go to the police for fear of being ostracized from their community, or being looked down upon because being raped is considered embarrassing. Because of back-ups in police forensic labs many rape kits never get tested (a) Rape. Any person subject to this chapter who causes another person of any age to engage in a sexual act by (1) using force against that other person; (2) causing grievous bodily harm to any person; (3) threatening or placing that other person in fear that any person will be subjected to death, grievous bodily harm, or kidnapping; (4) rendering another person unconscious; or (5) administering to another person by force or threat of force, or without the knowledge or permission of that person, a drug, intoxicant, or other similar substance and thereby substantially impairs the ability of that other person to appraise or control conduct; is guilty of rape and shall be punished as a court-martial may direct

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