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Process Paper Ismail Ahmed and Andrew Goldsmith, Junior Division.

We chose Jackie Robinson for our National History Day assignment is because he is an inspiration to many young African Americans and minorities, including ourselves. My partner and I are both interested in sports as well as history and we agreed to report on Jackie Robinson, who was a sport phenomenon and civil rights leader. Our group started our research online because our school is under construction and we have limited library resources. We decided to build a website so we could learn to work as a team, each with different tasks. We gained knowledge that we hope to apply to our future high school courses. Our website relates to the National History Day "Turning Point" theme because Jackie broke the color barrier in modern major league sports. We admire Jackie because he didn't care what color his skin was, he just wanted to play baseball and be a role model. Jackie's leadership was apparent on and off the field. He will forever be remembered for his raw talent in baseball and the moving speeches he gave for civil rights groups. We appreciate all the work he has done as a civil rights activist who would fight to stop segregation from growing or even existing in all aspects of life, not just baseball. Jackie stood up for equal rights, similar to Dr. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and many other Civil Rights Activists. Building this website helped us get a great understanding on how to create and present a website. However, we struggled with finding free resources since our school is economically challenged and we had no funding conduct research. Through this process, we discovered how much Jackie has inspired people all over the world. His presence is still strong and he even has a following on social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter. We hope that Jackie's struggle motivates and inspires you in your daily life.

Website Word Count: 1081

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