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A set of characteristics or procedures that provide a basis for resource and production decisions. Standards are used to define the quality level, characteristics and performance for a firms products.

A Standard can be defined as

Something that is established by authority, custom or general consent as a model or example to be followed Something established for use as a rule or basis of comparison in measuring or judging capacity, quantity, content, extent, value, quality etc The type, model or example commonly or generally accepted or adhered to, criterion set for usage or practice, A level of excellence, attainment etc regarded as a measure of adequacy

Is the process of developing and applying rules for a consistent and uniform approach to a specific activity for the benefit and with the cooperation of all concerned.

A Specification is defined as
The act of specifying: detailed mention or definition: a detailed description of the parts of a whole: statement or enumeration of particulars as to required size, quality, performance, terms etc.

Benefits of Standards
Standard facilitate communication and prevent misunderstanding Standard make parts interchangeability possible as a result mass production is possible Standards can be used in marketing strategy to promote purchase of products that meet nationally recognized requirements, especially , when conformance is backed by a certification program Standards reduce cost and save money

Levels of Standards
Company standards Industry standards Government standards Full consensus standards

Company Standards
Useful to companys design, development , production, purchasing and quality control departments. These standards may be those developed by the company itself or developed by some other organisation(s) and adopted by the company as its own standards.

Industry Standards
This standards are typically developed by a trade association or professional society. American Chemical Society developed specifications for chemical reagents.

Government Standards
These Standards either developed by the Government or developed by some other organisation(s) and adopted by the Government. The Government standards generally tend to be related to safety or well being of the people.

Government Standards
Example: Flammability Standards: Flammable Fabrics Act is a mandatory act in USA Flammability is the way a material reacts to heat , the manner in which it ignites and burns , the ease or difficulty with which a burning textile is extinguished.

Full Consensus Standards

These are standards developed by the representatives of all sectors, such as industry, consumer, government, academia, who have an interest in use of these standards either as a produces or a consumer. Example: ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials

Sources of Standards
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) British Standards Institution (BSI) International Organisation for standardization (ISO)


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