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Hot dogs come in packages of 8. Hot dog buns come in packages of 12. If Grace wants to have enough to serve 24 people and have none left over, how many packages of hot dogs and hot dog buns should she purchase?

The school is showing two films. The first film lasts for 18 minutes and the second film lasts for 45 minutes. If they both begin at 7 a.m. and run continuously until 2 p.m., at which times during the day will they both start at the same time? Kiara baked 120 oatmeal cookies and 96 chocolate chip cookies to be put into plastic containers for her teacher friends at school. She wants to divide the cookies into identical containers so that each container has the same number of each kind of cookie. If she wants each container to have the greatest number of cookies possible, how many plastic containers does she need? How many chocolate chip cookies will be in each container? How many oatmeal cookies will be in each container? Zul, Kipri dan Fahry berenang bersama-sama pada tanggal 3 November 2012. Jika,Zul berenang setiap 6 hari sekali, Kipri berenang setiap 10 hari sekali dan Fahry setiap 5 hari sekali. Pada tanggal berapa mereka akan berenang bersama-sama untuk kedua kalinya? Jarak kota A sampai kota B adalah 60 km. Ali mulai bersepeda dari kota A ke kota B pukul 08.55 dengan kecepatan rata-rata 15 km/jam. Pada waktu yang sama Husen berangkat dari kota A ke kota B dengan kecepatan 20 km/jam. Setelah menempuh perjalanan 2 jam, Husen beristirahat sambil menanti Ali. Berapa lama Husen beristirahat sampai tersusul Ali ?

There are 60 girls and 54 boys who want to participate in 6th grade mural design competition. If each team must have the same number of girls and the same number of boys, what is the greatest number of teams that can participate in competition? How many girls and boys will be on each team? How many boys will be on each team? The local shop normally sells Mars bars for IDR 6,000. The shopkeeper says if I buy 3, I can have them for 0.25 less than the normal price. How much can I buy 3 Mars bars for? How much do each Mars bar cost?

Sari mempunyai 180 pulpen biru dan 72 pulpen hitam. Sari ingin membagikannya pada anak SD Lakarsantri dalam kantong-kantong plastik. Tiap kantong plastik harus berisi pulpen biru dan pulpen hitam, masingmasing dalam jumlah yang sama. Berapakah kantong plastik yang dibutuhkan untuk membungkus pulpenpulpen tersebut? Berapa jumlah pulpen hitam dan pulpen biru dalam setiap kantong plastik?

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