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CHIEF ADJUDICATOR: AYRTON EDUARDO ARYAPRABAWA (MDU / UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MALANG) Ayrton Eduardo, is a well-known experienced debater as well

as adjudicator graduated from Valiant English Debate Club, State University of Malang. During his college life, Ayrton has been a Quarterfinalist of US-Embassy Election Themed Debate 2008 & English Fiesta 2010. He has been the 1st runner-up of DIKNAS Jatim Varsity Debate Competition 2010, The Champion of AUI UK Petra 2011 & ITS Open Debate 2011. He ended his college debate career in early 2012 as the Quarterfinalist of International Debate Competition in MaChung University. As an adjudicator, Ayrton has received several decent accreditation from National English Fiesta & NUDC DIKTI. He has been invited to so many debate tournaments, both, in High School & Varsity levels. Ayrton has also been the Acore member of MNDC 2011, EJVED 2011 & 2012, SEDAN 2012, MASTER 2012, ESC FIB UB 2012 & SEDC 2012. This Competition in UNISMA will be his 3rd Acoring duty after PIKTAR 2013 & National English Parade 2013. Looking at his well-tested track-record, we can certainly expect a high quality adjudication from him.

DEPUTY OF CHIEF ADJUDICATOR ZIADATUL HIKMIAH (UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MALANG) Ziadatul hikmiah a.k.a ZIA is an experienced debater and (pseudo) adjudicator from Valiant English Debate Club, State University of Malang. Debate has been her passion since she started her college life. Because of her skill, knowledge, and lots of luck, she had won several debate competitions in both regional and national level. She was the runner up of PIMNAS XXV 2012 in UMY, champion of AUI UK Petra 2011, champion of ITS Open Debate 2011, the 2nd runner up of AlQur'an English Debate of National MTQ

2012 in Makassar. Besides, she also participated in many debate tournaments with not-somarvelous results. Other than debating, she is also known as reliable adjudicator who has never undergone an accreditation process. Yet, her adjudication decision is not debatable. Her adjudicating experience including adjudicator in East Java Varsities English Debate (EJVED) 2011 and 2012, adjudicator in STTAR VEDC 2012, adjudicator in Ma Chung Debate Competition 2010, adjudicator in MGMP High School Debate in SMAN 4 Malang 2012. Her other debate-related experience was being the event coordinator of EJVED 2010.

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