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Meina Zhou Physics 211 Prof.

Christopher De Pree April 7, 2013 Preliminary Project Proposal Idea One: I will write an Applet that serves as a psychological test. This program allows the users to answer approximately ten questions. When the users give different answers to each of those questions, they achieve various points. Additionally, different answers to the questions in a sequence will lead to a matching following question. For example, suppose the program asks, Do you like that bear? If the user answers, yes, the program will then ask why the user likes the bear. If the answer is no, the program will ask, do you like that rabbit? After receiving all the answers, the program will add all of the points that the use gets and presents the outcome of the test according to the sum of the points. Idea Two: I will design an Applet called College Attendance System. This program records the attendance of a college student for a class that meets weekly for ten weeks. Originally, the students score of attendance record is 100. If the student is absent for the first time, his or her score will deducted by one. If he or she is absent for the second time, his or her score will be deducted by two. The amount of the score reduced each time depends on how many times the student has been absent previously. After the users inputting all of the twenty-week record, the program will decide whether his or her score is smaller or equal to 85. If his or her score is less than or equal to 85, he or she has been absent for at least five times. This student will automatically receive an F as his or her final score. If his or her score is greater than or equal to 97, the student will get an extra credit of one point to his or her final grade. Any score that is between 85 and 97 will incur a normal participation score.

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