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April is Month of the Military Child and bases all over the Fleet hold special events to honor them for their bravery, resilience and support of their parent(s) who serve our country. So, this month Im sharing with you a number of resources to help these amazing children navigate military life. - Military Kids Connect ( is a great place for children to keep in touch with other military children in a social media setting. It is unique because they divide children into age groups and only military children can join. It offers games, projects and a chance to chat with friends. - is a website designed to help military children with school. Tutors are available 24 hours a day in any subject. This is a perfect resource for older children who may be home alone for a couple of hours after school. - National Military Family Association (NMFA) has the Operation Purple Summer Camps that bring military children from all services together to connect in a wide variety of activities. For a list of camps you can visit their website at: http:// traditional-camps/. - Of course there is always MWR Youth Programs. They offer everything from sports to arts to summer camps and story hour at the library. By enrolling your children in MWR Youth Programs they can do activities with other military children who may be going through similar struggles in life. Their programs can accommodate our unpredictable lives. Military children are amazing people! So, this month do something special to honor them. ~Kate

380 Neville Way JBPHH, HI96860-4910 Cell: (504) 388-8539 Email:
FB: Pacflt Band Ombudsman

Goods Things To Know:

- MFSC MOMC Event: Family Movie Night April 24th @1730 @Hickam Theater. - Spring Craft Fair&Family Fun Day: May 4th 0900-1500 on Hickam - Armed Forces Kids Run Registration Deadline April 8th - MWR Youth Soccer/ Basketball Registration until May 10th.

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