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Vitamin D: More than you think You dont hear much about it because primary disease that vitamin

in was to solve has been solved in the early 1900: Rickets. From Sunlight o Your cholesterol in your skin absorbs ultraviolet radiation and converts it to vitamin D3 in your body. o Every land animal that is exposed to the sun produces vitamin D on their skin. Because the sun is stronger in the summer, earth animal gain strength and eat a lot during the summer, and eat less and sleep more in the winter to survive. o Can you overdose from the sun? The body only produces what it needs and stops production. History: o During the industrial revolution in the 1700s, the kids worked 14 hours a day and would develop skeletal retardation called rickets. This is similar osteoporosis except in children. o In 1920s, a scientist decided to expose a mercury lamp upon kids and noticed he could cure rickets. The doctors at the time thought he was a nut job. By the 1930s US set recommended hours of sun exposure for children. o Ultimately the government decided to irradiate foods such as milk with vitamin D, and it was ultimately vitamin D enriched milk that helped eradicate rickets from the united states. Suddenly Vitamin D was forgotten.

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