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Tipologi korupsi

Kuliah 2 Etika dan Korupsi dalam Sektor Publik Program Pascasarjana Kekhususan Manajemen Sektor Publik DIA FISIP UI @ Teguh Kurniawan, 21 Februari 2013 Email:, Twitter: tghkurn,

Corrupt relationships in a democratic society

Jain, 2001, 74

Tipologi Korupsi - 1
Grand corruption the acts of the political elite by which they exploit their power to make economic policies Bureaucratic corruption corrupt acts of the appointed bureaucrats in their dealings with either their superiors (the political elite) or with the public Legislative corruption the manner and the extent to which the voting behaviour or legislators can be influenced
Jain, 2001, 73-75

Tipologi Korupsi - 2
Petty Corruption Grand Corruption

Jayawickrama, 1998 dalam Feng, 2004

Tipologi Korupsi - 3
Extortive Corruption a situation where one is forced to bribe to defend, or gain ones right or needs Manipulative corruption an attempt to influence decision in ones favour, in any area of life Nepotism an appointment of relatives or friends to position for which they are not really qualified
Alatas, 1999 dalam Tjiptoherijanto, 2007

Tipologi Korupsi - 4
Political Corruption political leaders use the control and authority bestowed upon them on behalf of the general public interest for their personal benefit Judicial corruption domestic court systems worldwide, designed for the fair enforcement of legal frameworks, are subjected to outside influences, rendering these courts partial and biased Police/military corruption
Feng, 2004

Tipologi Korupsi - 5
Political corruption corruption among politicians and civil servants Institutional corruption police, courts, stock market, Customs, tax bureau, government licensing bodies, government inspection bodies, and the military Private sector corruption the problem of bribery by private sector parties

7 Kelompok (UU 20/2001)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. kerugian keuangan negara; suap-menyuap; penggelapan dalam jabatan; pemerasan; perbuatan curang; benturan kepentingan dalam pengadaan; serta 7. gratifikasi

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