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htm In Measure for Measure, Shakespeare uses Catholic symbolism by introducing one of the main characters, the Duke as a friar, which is a religious Catholic figure. From there, various scenes ( Act 2, Scene 3 and Act 3, Scene 1) depict dialogue with Catholic references. Also, in one of Shakespeares most famous plays, Othello, the protagonist is a Christian moor. Although he wasnt born Christian, he takes major steps to becoming one, such as being baptized and marrying his Christian wife, Desdemona. In The Winters Tale, Shakespeare has numerous Catholic theologies, with one of the prominent ones as Hermiones resurrection. That is the last scene in the book, where the statue of King Leontes dead wife, Hermione, comes back to life. Many people connect the resurrection to a Catholic worship practice. 1559 Religious Settlement It consisted of the Act of Supremacy, which named Elizabeth 1 as the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, and the Act of Uniformity, which required people to attend Sunday church services at an Anglican Church, using a new Book of Common Prayers. The 39 Articles of Religion (1563) It was the basic beliefs of the Church of England. They were made up of doctrines that compromised between the Protestants and Catholics, incorporating beliefs from both of them.

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