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Jose Daniel Cifuentes Guarnizo. Cod. 223380 English IV. 09-10-2012 Homeschooling.

Homeschooling as everyone knows, is the education of children at home, typically by their parents, or by tutors. Homeschooling is a legal option in many countries, but in Colombia, law does not regulate homeschooling In fact, we can cite numerous reasons as motivations because the parents decide homeschool their children. For example, and I quote, "Can give child better education at home", "Poor learning environment at school", "To develop character/morality", "School does not challenge child", and a large list of other reasons.

However, homeschooling have controversy and criticism by a large part of society too. They give us some reasons that could transform in potential negative effects on society; inadequate standards of academic quality and comprehensiveness, the potential for development of religious or social extremism, potentially give students a one-sided point of view.

In Colombia, law does not regulate homeschooling, the only control that we have is the ICFES (Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education), if the student wants to go to College, he or she have to take it. That situation generated a big hole in the regulation.

In fact homeschooling can be an option for families living in isolated rural locations, also can used as a form of supplementary education, a way of helping children learn. I believe children should go school, but i cannot refuse the idea that children learn in theirs houses, i think the best way to do education, is a mix-model, because the children's education is not the responsibility of a school, is their parents too.

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