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is so worn that it looks as if it really needs a polish,choose among the no-wax floor cleaning products or use a combination product that is recommended for use on no-wax floors. Take particular care to rinse off combination cleaners after each use.



When using any household chemicals, handle them with care and store them out of the reach of children. Never mix chemicals with each other or with household cleaning products unless there are specific directions to do so. Wear rubber gloves when working with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide solution, household ammonia, acids, or chlorine bleach. To be on the safe side, it's a good idea to work in a well-ventilated room: Establish cross ventilation with open windows and doors and a window fan to exhaust air. Caution: Never mix ammonia and chlorine bleach. Before using any chemical, test it on a small corner of the stain. If your procedure is wrong, the chemical damage will be limited to that one area. If you use steel wool on a stain, use grade 00 and rub gently. On wood, rub with the grain. After you have tried ordinary hand dishwashing liquid and water applied with a rag or sponge--or a nonbleaching allpurpose liquid cleaner sprayed from its container-try these suggestions to remove a variety of potentially stubborn stains. Whenever possible, work on a wet stain before it has had a chance to soak in andlor dry. Alcoholic beverages. Try rubbing with a clean cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol. Blood. Try clear, cold water first (before any detergent). If the

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