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Matthew Fraas

Please state your name and tell us about your background.

My name is Matthew Fraas. I received my Masters degree in American history and am currently the educational specialist at the U.S. Army Transportation Museum.

What was Eisenhowers military background?

Eisenhower based the need for highways on two influences: His experiences on the 1919 transcontinental motor convoy, which took two and a half months to cross the United States, and the ease of travel on the German Autobahn, which he experienced in WWII.

In what ways is the Interstate important to the U.S.?

It created easier and faster travel, and helped reduce travel time, which allowed more time for leisure and business. It was built with national defense in mind, so that it would help with public and military travel.

What are some negative effects of the interstate?

The increase of traffic capacity in the Interstate Highway System creates pollution. Depending on the width of the road, traffic congestion can occur as well. If I could change something about the system, I would widen the width of roads to help alleviate congestion.

Thank you.

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