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Ingredients: 1/2 kg Potato 2 handful of Onions a small piece of Tamarind 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder 1/2 - 1 tsp Chilly

powder a large pinch of Asafoetida Salt to taste Seasoning 3 tbsp Oil 1/2 tbsp Mustard seeds 1 tsp Urad dal 1 sprig Curry Leaves Method: 1. Boil, peel and break potatoes into medium size pieces, set aside. 2. Peel and slice onions. 3. Add a little boiling water to tamarind, take out thick pulp. To this add all the ingredients and mix to a paste. 4. Smear this paste on the potato pieces and leave aside for 20 - 30 minutes. 5. Heat oil, add seasonings in the order given; when the dal turns brown, add sl iced onions and fry to a golden brown colour. 6. Now add potato pieces and fry on high flame, stirring all the while till they are roasted. Add some more oil, if necessary. Serve hot.

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