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YES 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive - Robert Cialdini et al. notes by Mits Tomita, M.D.

1. Operators are waiting vs. If lines are busy, call again. scarcity is more motivating ( vs. mental image of no one calling), e.g. Space is limited. 2. Social proof people follow others. Consider getting a peer to share with outlier. 3. Small gift. (Principle of reciprocation.) 4. If a free gift provided, make sure they know the value of the gift. 5. Knowing the cost of the very expensive, makes the less expensive more valuable. 6. Present the danger and the solution to persuade persons to follow the solution. 7. Reciprocity as means of persuasion. 8. Personalized is more persuasive. Make them feel special. 9. Offer help with no strings attached. Provide a favor. 10. Ask for a very small step. This will start things for bigger steps later. 11. The labeling strategy. The Jedi says I know there is good in you. I can feel it. 12. Will you come out and vote on Election Day?Ask question re: taking the action. 13. Active commitment set a goal and have him/her write it down. 14. Alignment with beliefs and values. 15. Ask for a little favor or something and thank them, will change attitude of person. 16. Have passion. Smile. 17. Giving examples of bad decisions and bad outcomes has more impact on change. 18. Acknowledge weakness and get past it to make it a strength. 19. Share your faults to increase trustworthiness in the eyes of others. 20. Admit when you are wrong. 21. Similarities make for better likes and better persuasion. Seek similarities, links. 22. Fluency words that sound good, easy cf. generic vs brand name preferences. 23. Search others for their virtues so you really like them. 24. Ask for big, then for small change. (Concession compromise.) 25. Use the key word because to help persuade. 26. One reason may be more important than 10 reasons. 27. Use simple language. Pay attention to choice of words. 28. Use rhyme/slogan to make the message stick. Provide simple reminders. 29. Perceptual contrasts make this thing seem like something else. Analogy. 30. Get them started e.g. 2 stamps already on the 8 loyalty card vs. 6 with all blanks. 31. Be aware of mood, emotions, fatigue. More easily persuaded at the end the day? 32. Be aware of culture, a collectivistic vs individualistic values. Authority, expertise. 33. Face-to-face vs. use of newer technologies and persuasion.

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