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Stuff that Maybe should be in our Plan!!

The Thing Classroom lessons through LSF Food and nutrition integrated into class time Increase procurement of local products Veggiecation curriculum in first grade Attend trainings and conferences on F2S Enroll lower schools in the HealthierUS Schools Challenge Meet with High School Student Council Create Metro West support group to share F2S challenges and best practices TTT across district FS hosts quarterly parent coffees Integrate lunch program into B2SN Build herb gardens at lower schools Develop and pilot after school cooking, nutrition, and gardening class Develop and pilot a seasonal local fruit and vegetable of the month toolkit Increase participation in lunch program by 10% district wide Participate in Chefs Move to Schools program Increase in scratch cooking Student feedback quantitative and qualitative Increase volume and variety of regional foods Improve local food processing and storage capacity Provide culinary training to WPS staff Increase student and community awareness of F2S through promotions Expand nutrition, ag, and wellness integration, including F/V of the month toolkit for K-3, garden lessons for K-8, poster campaign 9-12 Increase # school gardens Launch after school cooking and gardening program Farmer visits to classrooms Buying local seafood and local whole grains In Monitoring? In Eval?

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