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Lauren Parker March 24, 2013 Death of a Memory

I saw his health deteriorate Cant say I didnt know

I tried to block it out again Didnt want to watch him go

Cane to walker to wheelchair All happened in a few months The bruises, needles, pills, and bumps His life just seemed to slump

He lost the passion of his stories Then phrases, sentences, and words Staring out the window, not even looking at birds

Please come back to me Papa I whispered in his ear He didnt even turn his head to see if I was there Barabara Shelly,,, Laura.. David you talked back to the air

Sitting in his famous chair he now looked so fragile and weak Hot tears of angered pain rolled down my red cheeks

Remember you use to babysit me Now I am watching you

How could you not remember me Papa You were my every thing Now you were not a human And I didnt mean a thing

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