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Matthew Kurt Hovan 11 Years Old 6th Grade Ms.

Corcoran Del Mar Middle School 105 Avenida Miraflores Tiburon, CA 94920 271 Words

Dont be afraid. he would say. Im not afraid, I would lie. Prove to me that you are not afraid by doing it, he would say. Matt showed me that I should be more courageous when I have the chance to do something. I was learning how to skateboard. I was nervous and said, But what if I crash? Then you crash, He said. I swallowed my doubts and took the risk. I crashed into his garage and shouted for help. I waited alone while he got me some towels and Band-Aids. He comes back I sat with him. Matt said, Im sorry for letting you crashing into my garage. So what if I crashed in to your garage. Its my fault. I remember him saying it was his fault and this went on and on. He is a type of friend that puts people before himself. He is crazy in a good kind of way. He has brown hair and green eyes and is younger than me. He has been a great friend from as long as I remember. I know Ill never forget him and what hes taught me. I think the future will cause us to go our separate ways and not see each other for a while. I know that sometime I will see him again and I will think and remember all the memories we have. I know that whatever happens well always be friends. I will be very surprised if were not friends in the future. I will be sad for sure and Ill never forget these times. If I do, Im probably dead.

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