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Bacteria Bacteria are prokaryotic unicellular microorganisms type, ie are organisms which can be observed only under a microscope,

consisting of a single cell has no further autonomous nuclear membrane. The Bacteria can be classified By shape and grouping: The oldest classification in which are considered: cocci, bacilli, spirilla and spirochetes. Cocos or micrococci: include resizable bacteria whose shape is spherical or ovoid and are generally strict aerobes. Sometimes these bacteria tend to cluster. Bacilli: bacteria are rodshaped, can be found in two groups denominated diplobacilos, chains or similar to those exhibited by the cocci that are called estreptobacilos. Spirilla: bacteria are bacilli, helical flagellar mobility, which fall within the Gram negative. For taxonomic classification criteria are used as cell shape, size, flogging and symbiotic relationships between. Spirochetes: bacteria are filiform, flexible, very long, spiral having ten or more turns. As bacteria can also be classified in gram negative and gram positive. The bacteria may have different structure, depending on the type of bacteria that is taken into account as a need bacteria wall, cytoplasmic membrane, cytoplasmic, ribosomes and nucleoide. although some may have other items that may be optional. The physiology its the growth, nutrition and metabolism the bacteria need growth factors and in which case if you do not have these factors could not reproduce bacteria. among these growth factors include temperature, atmosphere, H-ion concentration,Moisture & drying,Osmotic effects,Radiation,Mechanical & sonic stress some bacteria but sometimes it is not possible to reproduce that some of these factors can be lethal to them.

The bacteria and the virus have a major difference lies in the way of life. Bacteria are living organisms because they have a cell. Viruses are not cell and therefore need a host to survive and reproduce. The Bacteria in some cases be beneficial. And the Viruses are not beneficial (except for some study being made virus that can destroy brain tumors).

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