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Jessica Antonio

Math Mini-Lesson In my mini-lesson, I worked with students on fractions using pattern blocks. I modeled how a yellow hexagon could be a whole. I asked the students if they could create a whole using three of the same pieces. The students guessed, and I showed them that they can use three rhombuses to make a whole hexagon. I asked the students what fraction one of the rhombuses would be, and they answered 1/3. I told them they could create an equation represented by the pattern blocks which would be 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3= 1. I asked if they could create a whole using two of the same pieces. They determined that they could make a whole using 2 trapezoids. I asked the students what fraction one of the trapezoids would be, and they responded with . I asked them what the fraction equation would be, and they responded with + = 1. I told the students they are going to practice making a whole with different pattern blocks, but for each whole they create, they have to write a fraction equation for it. I gave the students the Hexagon Cookies worksheet (attached) and explained to them how to use it to record their findings. They worked on this with a partner. After they finished I asked a couple students to tell me the different pieces they used to create the whole and what the fraction equation would be. We discussed these answers as a class.

Reflection The students were well behaved when I was giving my mini-lesson. Since it was short, I had their attention the whole time with only minor behavior problems. The students had already been working with pattern blocks, so they knew what to do. As the students did the worksheet, I walked around the room to monitor. Some students had a hard time trying to draw the parts of the whole and creating the fraction equations, but they understood it better after I helped them. Some pairs were not very productive as well which was problematic. I think this lesson was

Jessica Antonio

effective because even though it was short and to the point, they got more practice with fractions, and working hands-on with manipulatives is very beneficial to their understanding. The fraction equations also helped them understand how all of the parts together create a whole. If I were going to do this differently, I would try to better arrange the partners, so there would be more learning taking place and less behavior problems.

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