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1.Exodus 20:12 says, Honor thy mother and father. Growing up and becoming the young lady I am, it can sometimes become challenging for me to be respectful to my parents. As a teenager, I am beginning to see things in a different perspective that my parents may not understand. This can cause some back talk to come out of my mouth when disagreements occur with my parents. While growing up, I have learned a life lesson that no matter how wrong I think my parents are, I have to respect them at all times and good rewards shall come. 2.Author Tom Bodett said, The difference between school and life? In school, youre taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, youre given a test that teaches you a lesson. As soon as I hit my teenage years, I noticed myself becoming more and more disrespectful to my parents. Before the start of my 8 th grade year, my parents were starting to give me more responsibilities around my home. Truly, I did not want to accept these responsibilities. I would do anything I could to avoid completing chores and duties. While experiencing this, my emotions were like a roller coaster. 3.Even though it felt as if my parents were out to get me, I began to realize that everything they did is for my own good. Learning to respect my parents and listen to their words of wisdom took nearly my whole summer. And I can say that it was not an easy lesson. However, I did overcome my situation. My parents would start to listen from my perspective and compromise with me. Likewise, in To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout encountered many troublesome times with Aunt Alexandra. Aunt Alexandra and Scout often did not see eye to eye. It was extremely hard for Scout to show respect towards her aunt. But with her fathers teaching and guidance, Scout was taught to respect and cope with Aunt Alexandra. 4. In conclusion learning to respect my parents no matter the circumstance has been the hardest lesson to learn. Now, I have a better understanding of my parents ways of parenting. I am no longer avoiding my chores, but asking for more. In addition, I know that my parents want me to live up to my highest potential and that is why they can sometimes be strict. As a result of learning to respect my parents I have become a more respectable person and I can truly say that I live by the scripture, Honor thy mother and father. Exodus 20:12

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