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Firdha Kusuma Putri 220110110146 Class B, Group 8


: Rehabilitation therapy services for stroke patients living at home: systematic review of randomized trials

Author Theme

: Lancet : Journal of critical care

Published on : January 31st, 2004

Many stroke patients who had left hospital are still suffer paralysis or problems controlling movement such as walking or balance and/or swallowing, sensory (ability to feel touch, pain, temperature, or position) disturbances, difficulty using or understanding language, thinking and memory problems, and emotional disturbances that can cause lose their independence. But nowadays, the prognosis for stroke patients is more hopeful than ever due to advances in both stroke treatment and rehabilitation. Many skilled professionals (such as a neurologist, physical therapists, speech therapists, psychiatrists) help set shortand long-term treatment goals for recovery. Stroke rehabilitation works best when the patient, family, and rehabilitation staff works together as a team. The researchers did a systematic review of randomized controlled trial that compared an outpatient therapy-based rehabilitation service with no routine input. The result of this journal is that rehabilitation therapy services for stroke patients living at home could affect their recovery. Nevertheless, rehabilitation therapy service does not reverse or undo the damage caused by stroke, but it can helps patient to recover from the effects of stroke, reduce risk of deterioration in ability, and relearn skills; especially on ADLs skills, which aim to help them achieves the highest level of their independence and quality of life in holistic concept (physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually recovers) as much as possible.

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