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The St. John’s Review Volume XLIV, number three (1998) Editor Pamela Kraus Editorial Board Eva T. H. Brann James Carey Beate Rubm Von Open Joe Sachs John Van Doren Robert B. Williamson Elliott Zuckerman Subscriptions and Editorial Assistant Anne McShane The St. John’s Review is published by the Office of the Dean, St. John's College, Annapolis: Christopher B, Nelson, President; Harvey Flaumenhaft, Dean. For those not on the distribution list, subscriptions are $15.00 for three issues, even though the magazine may sometimes appear semi-annually rather than three times a year. Unsolicited essays, stories, poems, and reasoned letters are welcome. Address correspondence to the Review, St. John's College, P.O. Box 2800, Annapolis, MD 21404-2800. Back issues are available, at $5.00 per issue, from the St. John’s College Bookstore. ©1998 St. John’s College. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. ISSN 0277-4720 Desktop Publishing and Printing The St, John’s Public Relations Office and the St, Jobn’s College Print Shop Contents Essays and Lectures Prelude to Vocation’... . tee Marilyn Higuera How We Do Things With Words: An Introduction to Wittgenstein. . . . Jobn Verdi Peolemy'’s Truth... 2... David Stephenson Reviews A Forgotten Revolution... . . . oe Lucio Russo's La rivoluzione dimenticata Curtis Wilson Measured Passion, Golden Rationality . Eva T. H. Brann’s The Past-Present Ronald Mawhy Mimesis on the Treacherous Slopes: Joyce’s Commitment to Community . . Cordell Yee’s The Word According to James Joyce Albert Wachtel Se eee 1 rrr 73 See eee 7 ras uu7 Fo ee 127

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