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Memoir study Feb 25 March 13, 2013 Everyone will be choosing a memoir to read.

d. You may work in a pair, a group, or on your own. We are going to be studying and discussing the author and how memoirs comment on society in a different way than fiction. Assignment 1 Journal - After you have chosen your memoir, write about why you chose this particular book. Assignment 2 Journal 1) At this point in your reading, how would you describe the author? What traits stand out about him/her? 2) What are you noticing about his/her relationships with other people? What seems to be the most significant relationships in his/her life at this point? Assignment 3 Journal - What conflicts are you noticing in the narrators life? Include person vs. self, person vs. person, and person vs. society. (society could include countries, villages and so on) Assignment 4 Journal 1) How are the relationships in the narrators life affected by the conflicts you have identified? 2) What do the conflicts say about the country/culture/time period that the author is living in? (author commentary) Assignment 5 Journal -What are you thinking about the author at this point in the memoir? How does he/she handle the conflicts? What has changed about him/her? Assignment 6 Journal 1) What connections are you making with this reading? The author, the conflicts, the relationships, etc. 2) What are you noticing about their society/culture in relation to your own? Assignment 7 Journal End of the memoir 1) What are you understanding and taking away from this memoir? 1) How do you feel about what you have read? 2) What was the most important event, in your opinion, which affected the narrator the most? 3) How did the narrator change from the beginning to the end? What do you think was the greatest cause for this change? 4) What comment is the narrator making on their time period/society?

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