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Universidad Tecnologica de Torron

English VI

Project unit 2 Indirect Questions

Student: Jesus Alberto Coronado Prez

Teacher: Norma Isela Delagado Salazar

at Torron Coahuila 23 october 2012

Battleship is a film who relates the war between the US ARMY and the aliens force. The principal theme is the high technological development of USA on investigation and devices. In the staff was playing a singer, she was Rihana, she played like a naval soldier, she did somethings who was helping the US ARMY. The war was on the sea, the aliens had ships very developed, they had guns and armaments hardier than humans. During the warfare there were many deaths, in the two teams; first the aliens were winning but the humans were returned and they won. Finally the US ARMY changed their plans, the old generation helped the young for to win, because they lost many ships on fight. The old men had experience and a old ship that only they knew operate. A parallel history was passing at same time, a relationship between a mariner and the captain's daughter, they were in love but he had scary of they dad because he was his boss. Last, the US ARMY won the war and the couple could get together.

Personal opinion:
I thing that the film and effects was fine, but the history is not credible, because, nowadays nobody was seeing a alien, and nobody can describe it so I thing that this film is from the science fiction but excessive way. I hate this kind of films because I don't believe it. At same time I laugh so much, I was waiting an other incredible fact.

Indirect questions
1. Can you tell me what the principal theme is? 2. Could you tell me what the name's film is? 3. I was wondering if you can tell me your opinion? 4. Do you know who won the war? 5. Could you tell me when the film was recorded? 6. Do you know whether somebody won? 7. Can you tell me what you love of film? 8. Could you tell me why the aliens arrived to our world? 9. I wonder how the aliens traveled? 10. Do you know what the aliens appears is?

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