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My typical week On monday and Wednesday I wake up at half past six because I have English class at eight o'clock

in the morning. On Tuesday and Thursday I wake up at half past seven because I have German class at nini o'clock in the morning. On Friday I get up at te o'clock because I don't have class. I have a shower every day. During the week I only have cereals with milk for breakfast because I don't have time for anything else. On Saturday and Sunday I have orange Juice, eggs with sausages, white coffe and bread with strawberry jam for breakfast because I have more time. My favorite time of the day is when I go to the swimming pool in the morning I usually go eleven or twelve o'clock. I like to swim one hour every day. I usually make the lunch at one o'clock and I often have lunch at two o'clock because I work at twenty to four. I usually go to work walking. It takes 15 minutes because I live near my job. I always finish my work at a quarter past ten. I sometimes take the dog for a walk at half past ten. I often have dinner at eleven o'clock, and then I usually learn English. I never watch TV.

My Typical Week On monday and Wednesday I wake up at six o'clock because I have Math class at eight o'clock in the morning in the university. On Tuesday andThursday I wake up at four o'clock because I have thermodynamics class at six o'clock in the morning. On Friday y Saturday I wake up at four o'clock because I have digital systems class at six o'clock in the morning. I have a shower every day. During the week I only have cereals with milk for breakfast because I don't have time for anything else. My favorite time of the day is whenI sit in meditation, is very rewarding, I explore the worlds. I usually do in the night. I like play basketball with my friends in the nights. I usually make the lunch at one o'clock and I often have lunch at two o'clock because class ended. I usually go to University in bus. It takes 45 minutes because I live away. I always finish my study at four o'clock. I never watch TV.

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