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Abstrak Latar belakang: Infeksi saluran pernapasan akut (ISPA) merupakan suatu penyakit infeksi yang semakin menular

dikalangan bayi. Dikatakan bahawa ISPA merupakan penyebab kematian tertinggi kematian bayi di negara-negara berkembang. Pemberian air susu ibu (ASI) dapat mengurang resiko bayi terpajan ISPA. Selain itu, pemberian imunisasi juga penting dalam menurunkan resiko paparan ISPA pada bayi. Objektif: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat gambaran riwayat pemberian ASI eksklusif dan status imunisasi bayi 0-1 tahun yang menderita ISPA di RSUP HAM, Medan. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif cross sectional study. Kuesioner berisi pertanyaan telah didistribusi kepada ibu bapa kepada bayi yang dirawat di RSUP HAM dengan keluhan ISPA. Data yang diperoleh telah dimasukkan dan dibuat tabel frekuensi menggunakan program komputer. Ethical clearance telah dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil: Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil yaitu daripada 48 orang bayi yang menderita ISPA, hanya 16 (33,3%) bayi yang diberi ASI eksklusif selama empat hingga enam bulan manakala sebanyak 32 (66,7%) lagi bayi hanya diberi ASI eksklusif selama satu hingga empat bulan. Seterusnya, sebanyak 27 (56,3%) bayi daripada 48 bayi yang menderita ISPA mendapat ASI eksklusif sebanyak atau lebih dari 5 kali sehari manakala hanya 21 (43,7%) bayi yang mendapat ASI eksklusif kurang dari lima kali sehari. Selain itu, sebanyak 43 (89,6%) bayi mendapat imunisasi dan hanya 5 (10,4%) bayi tidak mendapat imunisasi. Kesimpulan: Dari hasil ini dapat dilihat bahwa durasi pemberian ASI eksklusif yang lebih lama dan pemberian makanan pendamping ASI sebelum umur 4 bulan dapat mempengaruhi bayi terpapar ISPA manakala tidak terlihat gambaran pengaruh status imunisasi pada bayi tepapar ISPA. Saran: Pihak pelayanan kesehatan dapat menerapkan studi ini untuk mengedukasi para ibu mengenai frekuensi, lama pemberian ASI eksklusif, pemberian kolostrum dan makanan pendamping ASI serta status imunisasi kepada bayi. Kata kunci : Infeksi saluran pernapasan akut, ASI ekslusif, status imunisasi , bayi 01 tahun.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Abstract Background: Acute respiratory infection (ARI) is a common type of infection that usually happens to young children. It is said that acute respiratory tract infection has became one of the main causes of baby deaths in developing countries. Exclusive breastfeeding is known to lower the risk of babies developing ARI. Immunization is also important in lowering the risk of babies developing ARI. Objective: This study was done to get a general view on the history of giving exclusive breast milk and the status of immunization of babies aged 0-1 years suffering from acute respiratory infection in the General Hospital of Haji Adam Malik, Medan. Method: This study was done in a descriptive cross sectional manner. Questionnaires were distributed to the parents of the children suffering from ARI at this hospital. Datas collected from the questionnaires were entered into the computer programme and the results appear on a distributed form tables. Ethical clearance was done in this study. Results: In this study, 48 babies suffering from ARI were included, where 16 (33.3%) babies were given exclusive breast milk for four to six months, whereas as many as 32 (66.7%) babies were given exclusive breast milk for only one to four months. It was also obtained that 27 (53.6%) babies out of a total 48 babies suffering from ARI were given exclusive breast milk 5 or more times a day, whereas only 21 (43.7%) babies were given exclusive breast milk lesser den 5 times a day. It was also obtained that 43( 89.6%) babies were given immunization and only 5 (10.4%) babies were not given immunization. Conclusion: From the results, it is shown that the longer duration of giving exclusive breast milk will lower the risk of babies infected by ARI. Advice: Health services should educate mothers on the frequency, duration of giving breast milk, giving colostrums and additional food and status of immunizations to the baby. Keywords : Acute respiratory infection, exclusive breast milk, status of immunization, babies aged 0-1 years

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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