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Lies and Valuation II:Bimbiliki Bilabi Maama Biscothu

"Valuation is an art" is the first hint you get that this subject is more like pricing a Van Gogh or any other antique ... Topic:Valuation and the effects of auction model from a relative valuation perspective-An empirical analysis based on classic asset auction sell strategies under market forces (Please refer post: Sex Lies and Valuation) The concept of relative valuation is rooted in the belief that market quotes for the same or similar security are the best indicators of the price of an asset.Since this method incorporates market eccentricity, it clearly defines the price the market will be ready to pay for an asset when the buyer wants to exit. Step 1: It is important to identify the right peer group whose multiples will serve as a benchmark and the right set of investors from whom to take pricing feedback.
Experiment Name:Oora Therinjukitten

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