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Jansen Mitchell 1/10/13 ENC 1102-0104

Summary This passage is about Malcolm X and how he gained his literacy. He started his quest for literacy once he was sent to jail. He decided to learn to read because he was interested in the teachings of Elijah Muhammad. This interest was his driving force to gain his literacy and later on to keep at it and increase his knowledge through books. Through his journey he learned that the road to literacy can have complications as well which were mostly caused because of the conditions of the jail.

Analysis By reading this article it is more apparent to me how people and the world around you can affect your literacy. They can be both positive and negative influences. You could say that Elijah was Malcolm X's literacy sponsor because he was the driving force behind his learning. However the jail environment was a negative effect. This can be seen through how things such as lights out hours and lack of reading materials hindered the learning process.

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