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Combing two oi moie uocuments into one uocument using Niciosoft Woiu

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Combining multiple uocuments in Niciosoft Woiu:
1. Locate all the Woiu uocuments that have to be combineu.
2. 0pen a blank Woiu uocument that will seive as the mastei file.
S. 0pen the fiist file to be auueu to the mastei file. Copy its contents anu paste it
in the mastei file.
Inseit the contents of the fiist file into the mastei file.
! 0ffice 2uu8 foi Nac: Inseit -> File (Locate the fiist file anu
inseit it)
! 0ffice 2uu7 foi Winuows: Inseit tab -> 0bject -> Text fiom file
4. uo to the enu of the mastei file anu cieate a section bieak.
! 0ffice 2uu8 foi Nac: Inseit -> Bieak -> Section Bieak (next
page oi continuous as uesiieu)
! 0ffice 2uu7 foi Winuows: Page Layout tab -> Bieaks -> Section
Bieaks -> Next Page oi Continuous
S. Copy oi inseit the contents of the next file to be auueu to the mastei file anu
paste it aftei the section bieak.
6. Repeat steps 4 anu S until all the files aie combineu into the mastei file.
7. Each section can have uiffeient heaueis anu footeis. If youi files hau uiffeient
heaueis anu footeis, they will be pieseiveu.
8. The mastei file can now be saveu as one .puf file as well as one .uoc file.

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