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What is St. Patricks Day?

Where is IRELAND????

Zoom in..
Ireland is in Western Europe beside England, lets have a look even closer

Where are our Teachers from?

What is the flag like?

What is St. Patricks Day?

An Irish Holiday to celebrate St. Patrick..

An Irish Saint and Hero, who helped a lot of poor people

What do people do?

St. Patrick was from Ireland

What is Ireland like

Are there any.

Ireland Quiz

Ireland is famous forMUSIC

Here are some instruments;

Here is some Irish Dancing

Conas ata t? How are You?

In Japan, they speak Japanese

In America and England they speak English How do you do?

In Ireland they speak English AND Irish (Gaelic) Conas ata t?

Lets learn some words..

Ireland has a game like soccer, Gaelic Football..

An Irish House, Wheres Wally Simon?

This is my elementary school

How many people are in your family?

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