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April 18, 2013 Dear PA Virtual Charter School community, Yesterday, an article appeared in Newsworks, an online news journal

servicing Philadelphia, South Jersey and Delaware, entitled Philadelphia Districts to Launch Online School. This article contained erroneous information regarding the PA Virtual Charter School (PA Virtual), stating that we are involved in [a] federal corruption investigation. Allow me to take this opportunity to clarify for the entire community: this statement is entirely false. PA Virtual is not involved in any federal corruption investigations. Our attorneys contacted the author of this article, Benjamin Herold, this morning regarding his error. Mr. Herold revised his article to eliminate any reference to PA Virtual being under investigation. Further, a statement has been added to the end of the article, indicating that a previous version of the article mistakenly indicated that PA Virtual was involved in [a] federal corruption investigation. The revised article can be found here: Thank you to those community members who recognized this blatant error and raised it to the attention of your teachers, principals and our administrative offices. We are grateful for your belief in PA Virtual and willingness to share inaccuracies in the press with us. Let this situation remind us that our work in protecting cyber education and promoting its values is far from over. It is imperative that we continue to fight those who devalue or misrepresent the wonderful education our school provides.

Yours in partnership and the choice in public education,

Joanne Barnett CEO, PA Virtual Charter School

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