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Test paper I. Turn into indirect speech: a) I will not go there tomorrow, said Tim. 2.

They are listening to pop music, said mom. 3. We moved house last winter, said they. 4. The children have been lying to their parents since yesterday, said Tom. 5. I hadnt sung by eight oclock, said Peggy. b) Which of them is your brother? asked her aunt. 2. When did you see her? asked Brenda. 3. What have you done? asked mother. 4. Why are you going there? asked father. 5. Where do you live? asked Jenny. II. Translate into Romanian: The most terrifying thing in the book is The Partys ability to control the past, the present and the future through the Ministry of Truth. It does this by rewriting history books, newspapers, government papers, etc. If, for example, Big Brother estimates that the production of shoes will be 100 million, and only 20 million are produced, the Ministry of Truth changes the original prediction to 15 million. III. Make up sentences with: van, knight, son, to play, famous.

Test paper I. Turn into indirect speech: a) The baby is crying at the moment, said mom. 2. He was watching you yesterday, Paul admitted. 3. I have done my homework, said the child. 4. It had been snowing for two days, said he. 5. They caught fish in the river, said John. b) What books have you bought in England? asked his daughter. 2. Why did you do that? asked Tony. 3. How important is his contribution? asked her sister. 4. Who knows the answer? asked Jessica. 5. When will the guests arrive? asked Henry. II. Translate into Romanian: The main character is Winston Smith, who lives in Oceania, one of three world superstates. Oceania is run by The Party, whose leader is a mythical dictator called Big Brother. The Party uses propaganda and repression to keep people quiet. It has three confusing slogans: WAR IS PEACE; FREEDOM IS SLAVERY; IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. III. Make up sentences with: doubt, poverty, war, battle, to be.

Test paper I. Turn into indirect speech: a) I will not go there tomorrow, said Tim. 2. They are listening to pop music, said mom. 3. We moved house last winter, said they. 4. The children have been lying to their parents since yesterday, said Tom. 5. I hadnt sung by eight oclock, said Peggy. b) Which of them is your brother? asked her aunt. 2. When did you see her? asked Brenda. 3. What have you done? asked mother. 4. Why are you going there? asked father. 5. Where do you live? asked Jenny. II. Translate into Romanian: The most terrifying thing in the book is The Partys ability to control the past, the present and the future through the Ministry of Truth. It does this by rewriting history books, newspapers, government papers, etc. If, for example, Big Brother estimates that the production of shoes will be 100 million, and only 20 million are produced, the Ministry of Truth changes the original prediction to 15 million. III. Make up sentences with: van, knight, son, to play, famous.

Test paper I. Turn into indirect speech: a) The baby is crying at the moment, said mom. 2. He was watching you yesterday, Paul admitted. 3. I have done my homework, said the child. 4. It had been snowing for two days, said he. 5. They caught fish in the river, said John. b) What books have you bought in England? asked his daughter. 2. Why did you do that? asked Tony. 3. How important is his contribution? asked her sister. 4. Who knows the answer? asked Jessica. 5. When will the guests arrive? asked Henry. II. Translate into Romanian: The main character is Winston Smith, who lives in Oceania, one of three world superstates. Oceania is run by The Party, whose leader is a mythical dictator called Big Brother. The Party uses propaganda and repression to keep people quiet. It has three confusing slogans: WAR IS PEACE; FREEDOM IS SLAVERY; IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.

III. Make up sentences with: doubt, poverty, war, battle, to be.

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