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2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The opening title sequence of EDWARD.

The Last Girl

Edward at a glance adheres to the typical horror convention of the last girl however by including 3 girls that remain alive at the end of the sequence we hope to align the audience with all 3 girls, similar to the joint alignment at the start of heavenly creatures. This challenges the typical convention of one last girl and suggests several pursuits which adds to the horror in suggesting that Edward is a serial killer. This adds to the suspense and danger of the opening highlight Edwards obsessive nature over these women. The high angled shot suggests a weakness and vulnerability to the character, the shot suggests she is being watched from a higher power (Edward) and can be compared to an animal stalking his prey.

The clothing worn during the running scenes that open Heavenly creatures suggest a masculine defence to the women running. This is juxtaposed by the use of feminine costume worn in the black and white flashback suggesting desperation whilst being hunted.

The characters in Edward challenge idealistic views on feminine women. The clothing worn in Edward not only shows a change in time and views on appropriate attire but change the overall effect on the opening, this makes it more casual creating panic as it becomes slightly more relatable to the 21st century audiences. The almost masculine attire worn by 3 out of 3 of the girls in Edward suggests a fight from death suggesting Edward is the human monster. The red dress worn by the last girl in the sequence suggests she is Edwards biggest object of obsession shown through the passionate connotations with red.

In conclusion
Edward aims to show historically the change in women's behaviour in contrast to that of the attire worn in Heavenly Creatures to do this we presented women as willing to fight in desperation for life. We did this by presenting them as less feminine to convey their desperation to live. Through the use of dark clothing women gain some power despite their vulnerabilities. This suggests that these girls have the power to fight against Edward creating an interesting twist to the story.

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