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This guide will show you how to use the regression tool in Excel for part 3 of the BMGT340

finance project. Step 1 Go to the sheet that contains the data you want to perform a regression analysis on (in the screenshot below: Regression Data). Then, go to the Data toolbar on the top of Excel and then click on the Data Analysis icon on the right side of the toolbar. Scroll down the list in the pop-up menu and select Regression. Then hit OK.

Step 2 In the Input Y Range: box, select your dependent variable (in this case, your sales). Make sure you select all years (2006-2010 in the screen shot below). In the Input X Range: box, select your independent variable (in this case, the year). Make sure you select all years (2006-2010 in the screen shot below). Under Output options, make sure New Worksheet Ply is selected and enter an appropriate name for the sheet to contain the regression analysis (i.e. Regression Results). The other options are unnecessary. Once done, hit OK.

Step 3 A new sheet should appear similar to the sheet in the screenshot below. The X variable coefficient is the slope of your regression line for future sales while the intercept coefficient is the intercept of the regression equation.

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