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>>471463000 This isn't so much an unbelievable story as a good one nonetheless.

>Right before spring semester starts >Everyone's at school, but school hasn't started >My fraternity throws a giant themed party >The Cold War Party >Team USA/NATO, Team USSR/Warsaw Pact >Race to finish case of bourbon(USA)/vodka(USSR) and a keg for each >Costumes, music, etc. >Soviets in snowed-over backyard with trashcan fire >USA indoors with capitalist heating >Rep. Charlie Wilson (brother in costume) shows up with 3 Mujahadeen fighters (o ther brothers in Pashtun class) to sabotage Soviet keg >Gets ridiculous, blaring music, people running around the yard >President of fraternity is at meeting with one of the deans before the semester starts >His girlfriend (ACTUALLY Russian) drives drunk to pick him up >Rams car up onto the curb, opens door, falls >Soviet marching music is BLARING from inside the car, brothers dressed as gener ic Soviet soldier and Stalin (fake moustache and all) in passengers' seats >We're behind her in another car driven by sober pledge ordered to "follow that commie spy harlot!" >Blaring patriotic songs like "Proud to be an American" and "Battle Hymn of the Republic" while dressed as Gen. Patton, MacArthur, and with a Mujahadeen fighter in the car >Dean sees this >Fraternity's president facepalms >Dean is gape-jawed shocked >Dean later says to president he's more impressed that students would go in for a Cold War themed party than anything else

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