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The Coming of the Civil War

Northwest Ordinance 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the Northwest Ordinance and when was it put into place? What states were formed by the passage of the Northwest Ordinance? How long did the Northwest Ordinance play a role in the United States? What is the relationship between this bill and the Missouri Compromise?

Slavery 1. Create a definition for slavery and slave. 2. Describe the conditions slaves had to work in/under before the Civil War. 3. How did slavery in the South differ from the slavery in the North? (3 differences)

Northern ways of life/perspective 1. What was the Industrial Revolution and how did it affect Northern states? (3 ways) 2. Describe the way of life in the cities of the North. (Lifestyle, occupation, education)

Southern ways of life/perspective 1. Why was cotton such a big industry in the South? (3 reasons) 2. Describe the importance of slaves in this region. (2 examples) 3. How was rural life in the South different from the urban life mostly seen in the North?

Missouri Compromise 1. What is the Missouri Compromise and was it put into place? 2. How does the Missouri Compromise directly relate to the Northwest Ordinance? 3. Give two examples of how the Missouri Compromise may have led to the Civil War.

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