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"All the love and caring just consist on coming to them without gloves and medic al attire, shaking

their hands as any other neighbor and sitting together for a chat about anything or playing football with them ." In July 1953 Ernesto left for La Paz, the capital of Bolivia, on a train from th e General Belgrano train station in Buenos Aires with his friend Carlos Ferrer M oratel (Calica).It was a 6,000 kilometer long trip. He was wearing fatigues and carried a knapsack. As he walked towards the moving train quite briskly, he turn ed round to his relatives, who had gone to see him off, and raised the arm with the knapsack and cried: "Here goes a soldier of the Americas!". On 11th July 1953 Ernesto and his friend Carlos Ferrer got to La Paz. A little o ver a year before, there had been a nationalistic revolution in Bolivia. However , the process gradually lost momentum over time. He was also angered by governments treatment of native Indians and it stemmed fr om one incident He did talk at great length with the thinkers and politicians involved in the va st reform movement and devoted long hours to conversation, discussion and learni ng in the bars and cafes. This was his first genuine experience of the complex a nd contradictory world of politics, whether traditional or revolutionary. The di stortion of the life he experienced on the streets and what the topics of the co nversations angered young Ernesto. In 1967 David Morales recruited Flix Rodrguez to train and head a team that would attempt to catch Che Guevara. Guevara was attempting to persuade the tin-miners living in poverty to join his revolutionary army. When Guevara was captured, it was Rodriguez who interrogated him before he ordered his execution in October, 1 967. Rodriguez still possesses Guevara s Rolex watch that he took as a trophy.

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