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============================== Pokemon Encyclopedia by: Julian_89_ Translated by: Glitch For this application to work, you must have:

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 .

Pokemon Encyclopedia d consists of:

Esm ia an application to help ONLY 3rd GENERATION games, an

- Information relevent to the games of 3rd gen. With complete and flexible ord ering of information. - Evaluation of calculations (Damage, Stats, IV/EV, Hidden Power, PokeCubes, et c) - a .sav and .pkm editor like PokeSav but for 3rd Gen. This application is dedicated to the people who discover or still play Pokemon o n GBA and don't have an easy way to get onto the internet. Also to those who ar e not familiar with the game mechanics and would like to learn more. ;) I hope you like and enjoy. ;) . ==============================

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