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Quick Handshakes. Hellos. Countless Faces. Orange and Blue. Confusion.. Scattered rooms. Strange Pathways. Awkward Conversations. Smiles. Excitement. Nervousness. First Day. Class. Professors. Syllabus. Longer Interesting Conversations. Relaxation. Quiet Talks. Library. Book Bag. Library. Sunset. Chapel. Beauty. Late nights. Laptop. Music. IM. Tea @ 5 AM.. Harris Hall. Solitude. Tears. Frantic Thoughts. Library. Notes. Midterms. A Hand on the Shoulder. Concerned Eyes. Thoughtfulness. Stalking. Open Hall. Old Friends. Wonderful People. Laughter. Saturday Nights. Movies. Snacks. Cold Windy Nights. Long Lone Walks. Tears. Care. Love. TRUST. Consideration. You Tube. Random Videos. Endless Hours. Laughs. Fall Evenings. Long Walks. Wandering Thoughts. Hurried Goodbyes. Promises. Excitement of Meeting Again. Brown Eyes. Hope. A new tomorrow. Hope. Dreams. Change.

Birthday, Surprises, Excitement, Parties, Fun, Craziness.

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