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` The concept of Zero was invented in India. Since then zero has acquired great significance in the world of Science and Mathematics. When placed before any number or alone zero has no significance. But when placed after any number it adds to the meaning of that number. The major concern of this write up is not to stress the Mathematical significance or function of Zero. But to bring out the Philosophical significance of zero. If we look at the shape of zero (0) it is circular in shape. Has anyone thought why the shape is circular? Why not triangular or square? This circular shape is the result of deep thinking. Here we can refer to religious beliefs of Hinduism. The birth and rebirth theory. According to this theory the soul keeps on taking rebirths till is freed from the cycle of birth and rebirth. Thus the soul moves in circular manner in this world. It enters the world when an organism is conceived and after a specific period it is released back when the body dies so that it will re-enter same the world in some other form. Thus soul is like various elements of nature that work in cyclic manner. The birth and rebirth theory proves one thing that beginning is an end in itself. The starting point is the ending point and the ending point in itself is the starting point, which means nothing but a Zero i.e. no value. Same can be applied to the fate of the Earth as various major religions of the world have prophesised its end and birth of a new Earth. Note: For the better understanding read the essay Concept of Time in Various Major Religions of the World.


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