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Fill in the blanks with corrects words. From To Subject : : _______________________ : Hi!

Hi __________________, How are you? I hope you are well. Thank you for sharing about your holiday before. This time, I would like to share with you about my parents occupation. My father is a __________________. He works in a ___________________ in Kuala Lumpur. He treats patients in the hospital. He leaves for work at 7.30 early in the morning. He goes to work by ___________________. My mother is a ___________________. She teaches at the ___________________. I love my parent very much. How about you? What are your parents occupations? I am glad if you can share it with me. I hope to hear from you soon. Take care. Your friend,

Reply an e-mail to your friend by filling in the blanks with appropriate answer. From To Subject : _____________________ : : Hi!

Hi __________________, How are you? I hope you are well. Thank you for sharing about your parents occupation before. This time, I would like to share with you about my parents occupation. My father is a _______________. He works in a ___________________. He leaves for work at __________________. He goes to work by ________________. My mother is a ___________________. She ______________________. I love my parent very much. I hope to hear from you soon. Take care. Your friend,


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