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Based from what I have read, the four traditions of Geography are basically what defines or best explains

Geography itself. The four traditions, namely, Spatial, Area Studies, Man-Land and Earth Science traditions all have distinct components. For example, the Spatial tradition consists of aspects such as distance, direction and position as mentioned in the reading. This means that it speaks more of locations or distribution of the various features that the earth possesses. The Area Studies, on the other hand, tend to be more specific as it speaks of not only particular regions or areas. It also includes the study about these places including their descriptions and distinctions from one another. Also mentioned in the reading what Man-Land tradition is all about. Generally, based from what it is called, it speaks of human beings and their interaction with one another and with the area they are in. Lastly, the Earth Science tradition is quite broad. It covers almost everything about the three traditions stated earlier. Despite the distinctive characteristics of the four traditions, these all, however, best explains what geography is all about. They may encompass different aspects but these four actually are interconnected with one another. Also, these four when combined as one gives an individual a better grasp of geography.

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