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1.- Complete box with these sentences about cities: Then write a composition about this. Its crowded, It can be noisy, Theres wide range of shops, higher cost of living, more jobs opportunities, lots of cultural activities, streets are dirty, its cosmopolitan, traffic congestion, can get whatever you want, people are more aggressive, high crime rate. Good things for living in a city Bad things for living in a city

2.- Match the words (jobs) from the suitable box: Mechanic, surgeon, pilot, accountant, lawyer, doctor, bricklayer, sailor, electrician, stockbroker, carpenter, treat, soldier, plumber, engineer, university lecturer, fireman, dentist, architect, police officer, vet, teacher, hairdresser, farmer, secretary, nurse. Manual Jobs Professional people Medical profession Army and emergency services

3.- Write the adjectives form these nouns and translate them: NOUN SUN RAIN WIND CLOUD SNOW FOG THUNDER LIGHTNING ADJECTIVE + translation

4.- Translate the words into Spanish: Bedside Lamp / bed / mirror / hairbrush / chest of drawers / comb / dressing table Wardrobe / bedside table / blanket / cupboard / nightdress / pyjamas / pillow / sheet / alarm clock 5.- Match the words in the suitable box: Flood, sun, continent, river, south pole, earthquake, desert, stars, river, volcano, island, hemisphere, country, rainforest, hurricane, equator, lake, mountain, moon, ocean, Earth, hill. World & Solar System Physical features Natural disasters

6.- Translate the words into Spanish: Happy, angry, sad, surprised, hungry, upset, thirsty, tired, well, ill, warm, hot, cold, afraid (of), frightened (of), proud (of), jealous (of), embarrassed


1.- Telling the time: oclock, half past, past, to. Siempre se pregunta: WHAT TIME IS IT? O WHATS THE TIME? 1.- Son las doce menos cuarto. 3.- Son las una menos diez. 5.- Son las ocho menos veinticinco. 7.- Son las nueve en punto. 2.- Son las seis y veinte. 4.- Son las tres y media. 6.- Son las cuatro y cinco. 8.- Son las doce y veinte.

2.- Translate these imperatives: ( no llevan sujeto ). 1.- Ten cuidado! 3.- No te preocupes 5.- Sgueme 7.- Tuerce a la derecha 9.- Ten buen viaje! 11.- Dime tu nombre 2.- No olvides las entradas. 4.- Sintate 6.- Date prisa! 8.- No toques las flores 10.- Ponte de pi 12.- Estudia matemticas!

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