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Characteristics of Good Advertising

Should be of interest to audience The audience should interpret the message in the intended manner Should influence the audience

Attitude Change A central Theme in advertising

The traditionally accepted view of attitude is that it is made up of three interrelated components cognitive, affective and cognitive. The cognitive component deals with cognition, or knowledge; it is the faculty of knowing or perceiving or conceiving ideas; it is the sphere that deals with knowledge. The affective component deals with affections/emotions. For example, feelings of like an dislikes towards objects are dealt on the affective plane. And the cognitive component deals with behavior or action. These three components together shape what is know as attitude.

Celebrities as endorsers Chief executive as endorser Employees as endorsers Customers as endorsers

The message
The message Structure:
Order of presentation

The message appeal:

Rational Appeal Emotional Appeal

Competitive advertising (brand to brand comparison) 23 vitamins of Complan, 4 minute Maggi

Emotional Appeal
There is a little bit of SAIL in everybodys life Humor appeal fevicol Fear Appeals loss/damage in terms of money, health and prestige United India assurance tonight sleep better than your neighbor

Main decision Areas in marketing

Advertising objectives can be set around four broad themes
Behavioral constructs Generating trial purchases and store visits Attitude attitude change and attitude measurement Awareness creating awareness about new products Product positioning and brand building

Deciding advertising Budget

Competitive Party Affordability A fixed percentage turnover Budget based on functions to be performed

Deciding the Copy

Main steps in copy development The fact finding Stage The idea finding Stage Idea behind Sunsilk and Lux Testing the copy post tests and pre-tests

Keep message simple and short

Copy decisions linked to advertising objectives, budget, and media choice One has to be careful about claims

Deciding the Media

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