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Managing a classroom can be different, but it all depends on how well the teacher structures the classroom.

One of the most effective approaches to teaching is a teacher who possesses the medium-control approach. In this approach, it allows the student to control their behavior and be familiar with the consequences in result. Both the student and the teacher create rules and procedures for the classroom. It is a collaborative discussion; the teacher will have the final ruling in deciding the rules. This will show that the teacher will have some sort of control over their classroom. Medium control teachers will have rules and consequences that are logical and show that they are cooperating with their students. Teachers will also develop a supportive learning environment and guiding student behavior. Teachers should always act as guidance and be capable to cater to a students need. When teachers show that they actually care for their students, it sets a positive atmosphere for learning. It is vital that all students are involved when learning. No student should be feeling excluded from the classroom. Always create a positive learning environment so that all students are free to express themselves. The type of management not only disciplines the students but also allows them to have a voice to contributing to the classrooms structure. In an effort of doing so, both the teacher and the student will be on one accord throughout the year.

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