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Hardcore Pwnage

Everyone loves a bit of Hardcore PwN, but at the same time we all know it can be a very dangerous thing. Approach with caution, not for the faint hearted!

If you find yourself coming into contact with Hardcore PwN, your best chance to avoid getting emotionally, physically, (or sexually) damaged by it, is to run away and pray we dont come after you.

If you wanna be a PwN star, contact our recruiter Jenna Jameson.

If you wanna pact with us, or merge and enter into us, youll be glad to hear that were in favour of bondage with other alliances. Contact our diplomat Lisa Anne for more information.

Acts of War: Whacking us with your sword Peeping through the windows and spying on us Assaulting us while we sleep Poaching our PwN stars

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