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Lesson Topic: _Matter and physical properties_ Kindergarten__ Length of lesson: ____30 min____

Grade level:

Stage 1 Desired Results Content Standard(s): Understand how objects are described based on their physical properties and how they are used. Understanding (s)/goals Students will understand the basic shapes, textures and sizes. They will observe different materials and be able to identify them. Essential Question(s): What makes a material different from another? Why is it important to be familiar with different shapes and textures? In what way do we see different shapes and materials in our everyday lives? What shapes and colors do you know already?

Student objectives (outcomes): Students will be able to recognize what makes each objects physical make-up different from one another. Students will be able to identify different textures and shapes. They will be able to recall the various colors Students will be able to differentiate between different sizes and weights

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s): Other Evidence: Students will be presented with After individual group work we various objects and will have to can come back as a group and sort them. talk through each object. Recognize and also define key The students can also vocabulary terms complete a worksheet dealing with different objects. KWL charts The centers for that day can Activity sheets also have different activities Smart board activities that correlate with the lesson. Quizs on material can be given out a couple times throughout the week

Then a test can be given out after all the material is learned. Stage 3 Learning Plan Learning Activities: Start out with a KWL chart to assess the students knowledge of the topic. Do an interactive smart board activity that also involves sorting and various games. Sort objects based on color, size, weight, etc. Do a lesson with bubbles. Maybe find a song or poem with bubbles and then also observe bubbles with the class. Do a lesson where the students use their five senses. Whether they use them to identify an object or to determine their surroundings. Bring in one kind of vegetable or fruit for instance a pumpkin and have the students talk about the differences in color and size.

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