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Answer: 1B 6C 11 D 16 B 21 D 26 A 2A 7D 12 C 17 D 22 D 27 B 3B 8C 13 D 18 A 23 A 28 D 4C 9B 14 C 19 A 24 B 29 B 5A 10 A 15 A 20 D 25 C 30 C


Answer: 1 (a) (i) Temperature Suhu (ii) The number of leaves shed Bilangan daun yang gugur (b) The higher the temperature, the more leaves are shed Semakin tinggi suhu, semakin banyak daun yang gugur (c) Rubber tree/acacia tree Pokok getah/pokok akasia

(a) To investigate the relationship between the number of marbles and the volume of water in the measuring cylinder Untuk menyiasat hubungan antara bilangan guli dengan isipadu air dalam silinder penyukat (b) The size of the marbles Saiz guli (c) 40 m (d) When the number of marbles increases, the volume of the water in the measuring cylinder also increases

Apabila bilangan guli bertambah, isipadu air dalam silinder penyukat juga bertambah

(a) (i) The volume of water collected Isipadu air yang terkumpul (ii) The plastic bag/The time interval Beg plastik/Selang masa (b) 50 m (c) The dripping of water is repeated uniformly Penitisan air diulangi secara seragam

(a) (i) The type of object Jenis objek (ii) The ability of the bulb to light up Kebolehan untuk mentol menyala (b) The objects in group S are metal while the objects in group T are non-metal Objek-objek dalam kumpulan S adalah logam manakala objek-objek dalam kumpulan T adalah bukan logam (c) Bulb will not light up Mentol tidak akan menyala

(a) (i) The type of object Jenis objek (ii) The volume of water absorbed Isipadu air terserap (b) Decreases Berkurang (c) Plastic does not absorb water Plastik tidak boleh menyerap air

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