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What is lino? Lino is an abbreviation of linoleum. Linoleum is a type of ooring made from renewable materials; mainly linoxyn.

It is recognized as an excellent ooring solution for large areas because of its inexpensiveness, water resistance, and toughness. What is a lino print? Lino printing is a printing technique which involves carving a sheet of linoleum to create a printer of sorts. The sheet of linoleum is then covered in ink with a roller after it has been carved with a chisel. The inked sheet is then pressed onto a piece of paper or fabric, transferring the carved pattern onto the surface. Where did it come from? Using the ooring material as a printing block originated from 19th century Germany when woodcuts were being used for the same purpose. Why did it become so popular as an art form? Lino prints became popular because street artists started using them in America where they can quickly make a carving and print it on to multiple sheets, effectively duplicating their works. Successful Prints

Rippled Surface by M. C. Escher (1950)

This famous print by M. C. Escher became successful because he used simple shapes to create a complex piece. The tree branches and the moon themselves are pretty simple but the ripples he created allowed the picture to be viewed from two perspectives.

Lost Angeles by Stanley Donwood

This massive lino print by Stanly Donwood gained popularity because it expresses his views on popular culture. He included several subliminal messages concerning the impact of societal trends and behavior towards Los Angeles. I think this is a superior print when compared to Rippled Surface because the artist included their emotions and messages into their art. Designing and Making a Lino Print I am most interested in modern culture because I like to see how technology has changed the way humans interact with one another. My idea of a culture based lino print was that of a pair of headphones. I think headphones are a symbol of human culture today. In the past humans have always appreciated music together in certain areas like concert halls and operas. Technology has brought about sound reproduction (Vinyl, CD's, Walkman). The headphone has allowed us to enjoy music anywhere we like without the consideration of other people. This in turn has made people more independent.

Final draft of my headphone print

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